Lord Jesus, you’re more excellent
Than Moses’ ancient covenant:
Its Law you perfectly obeyed
And on the cross its curse you paid.
My Royal Priest is excellent
Above the dying priests who went
In yearly terror through the veil—
But once for all Christ did prevail.
Lord Jesus, you’re more excellent
Than all the guardian angels sent
To guide our steps both day and night,
Since Jesus guards with sovereign might.
Great Savior, you’re more excellent
Than all the Devil’s arrows spent
In furious rage against the ones
For whom Christ died to make his sons.
Kind Jesus, you’re more excellent
Than doubts and troubles I invent;
Your life laid down, my victory won—
My Advocate, God’s holy Son.
O Christ, you are most excellent,
By th’new and better covenant:
Redeeming Love who took my part,
Inscribed your Law upon my heart.
O Righteous One, most excellent,
Your cross fulfilled the covenant;
O Worthy One, who took my place,
I long to worship face to face.
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